If you run a bar or restaurant, you know that it’s not just the floors and tables that need regular cleaning. An ordinary ceiling will instantly change and become ugly, which means it will need to be repainted quite often. Odours and moisture from cooking can really damage the kitchen. Stretch ceilings are the solution to all your problems!


Stretch ceilings are made of a special material that displaces moisture and odours. You’ve probably noticed that your kitchen smells like a combination of different foods? That’s because these smells are absorbed by the porous areas of the room, such as the ceiling. With a stretch ceiling, you don’t have to worry about this.The ceiling will not absorb odours.

Stretch ceilings allow for a really flexible choice of lighting options. Depending on your needs, you can choose either backlighting or integrated lighting, or even a combination of both.

You can create a unique interior simply by choosing the right stretch ceiling design! You can choose from different colours, patterns, designs and even images. For example, if you want to create the impression of a night terrace, you can use a starry night ceiling and decorate your restaurant with artificial vines and other similar plants. Use natural stone floors and add some stylish wallpaper to make your guests feel like they are enjoying a romantic meal in the Italian countryside. You can do so much with just the right ceiling design combined with the right mural and subtle decor.

Although these surfaces don’t absorb odours or moisture, you may feel the need to wipe down the stretch ceiling from time to time. The great thing is that stretch ceilings are much easier to clean than conventional ceilings. All you need to do is gently wipe them down with clean or soapy water! Depending on the size of the ceiling and the amount of dirt, you may need to change the water a few times, but you won’t have to go through the hassle of repainting.

Your restaurant is probably open from midday to late evening. This means that you don’t have much time when it comes to redecorating. The installation of stretch ceilings is extremely fast. So, unlike painting or replacing a ceiling, you won’t have to close your business and lose money just to make your place look great again.

Our team specialises in the manufacture and installation of top quality stretch ceilings. We can advise you on your design choices and are always happy to help.

Contact our team today by email: for more information, an estimate to make your business stand out from the crowd.